UK & Ireland Tax Jobs, UK Offshore Tax Jobs

This is the offshore tax jobs section of etaxjobs. The UK offshore market has a high population of tax professionals working at accountancy firms, trust companies and in-house.

There are typically between 50 and 100 offshore tax jobs advertised on etaxjobs at any one time. This is probably too long a list to wade through, so we recommend you narrow your search by using the yellow browse menu.

For example, you can focus on your specialism eg personal tax jobs in Jersey or Guernsey or your level of seniority eg Isle of Man Tax Assistant jobs. Equally, you can also drill down to specific offshore area eg the British Virgin Islands tax jobs.

Click on the Details/Apply button next to each job to see the full posting, or check the boxes next to the jobs that interest you and click View Selected to see several jobs together. You may also add one or more jobs to your Wish List by clicking on the check boxes next to them and then clicking Add to Wish List.

3 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 3.

US Tax Director - Asset Management and Private Equity Specialist - Channel Islands

  • Location: UK Offshore Tax Jobs
  • Posted Date: 08-Mar-25

US Tax Director - Asset Management and Private Equity Specialist We are looking for a Tax Director with US Asset Management and Private Equity Specialist, for a Big 4 Firm in the UK Channel Island...

VAT Manager –100% Remote, 100% Advisory, 100% International

  • Location: Greater London Tax Jobs, East Anglia Tax Jobs, East Midlands Tax Jobs, North East Tax Jobs, North West Tax Jobs, South East Tax Jobs, South West Tax Jobs, Scotland Tax Jobs, Wales Tax Jobs, Northern Ireland Tax Jobs, UK Offshore Tax Jobs, Ireland Tax Jobs
  • Posted Date: 18-Mar-25

Looking for a Fully Remote VAT role for 2023? My client are currently looking for a VAT Manager with international and advisory experience to join their growing indirect tax team. On the back...

International VAT Specialist (Fully Remote, 100% Advisory)

  • Location: Greater London Tax Jobs, East Anglia Tax Jobs, East Midlands Tax Jobs, North East Tax Jobs, North West Tax Jobs, UK Offshore Tax Jobs, Ireland Tax Jobs
  • Posted Date: 18-Mar-25

My client are currently recruiting for an Assistant Tax Manager at a leading corporate services provider. This is a rare opportunity to work fully remotely within a rapidly expanding, highly acquisiti...

At etaxjobs we define UK tax jobs as any tax job located in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, BVI or Gibraltar. So you may be searching specifically for Jersey tax jobs or Guernsey tax jobs.

Some recruiters might advertise a Gibraltar based job under Spain, due to the location or the need for Spanish tax experience. Equally, the British Virgin Islands tends to recruit only US tax professionals, so most recruiters will probably class these roles as US offshore tax jobs rather than UK offshore tax jobs.

If you are an offshore equity tax partner considering a move, you may feel more comfortable having an initial telephone conversation, rather than applying online. If so, the CEO of etaxjobs, Chris Bale, would be happy to introduce you to a suitable tax headhunter operating in the offshore tax market.

3 Jobs found, viewing matches 1 - 3.

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